OK, questa nail art può lasciare perplesse, ma ormai a Instagram non si mettono più limiti. Se hai un'insana passione per la manicure e ti piace curiosare sulle tendenze più bizzarre, sei arrivata nel posto giusto. Per chiunque abbia il pallino della nail art, è tempo di conoscere queste unghie con la vagina incorporata.

Le vagina nails sono l'ultima tendenza (strana, sì!) sbocciata su Instagram. Le ispirazioni vanno dall'arte astratta a quella pop, ma in tutti i casi non risparmiano troppo sui dettagli.

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Some of the designs even feature 3-D art of yonic sculpture ... meanwhile I can't even get a top coat on without inevitably shellacking down three pieces of fuzz onto my nail bed.

While these are all well and good, cute AF (and obviously far more impressive than anything I could ever accomplish with my shaky motor skills and hangnail-ravaged nails) it is important to note a few things before asking your manicurist for vagina nails. First of all, while cheekily describing them as "vagina nails" for the sake of the #hashtag (#VaginaNails has 38 posts to #VulvaNails's 13 posts), it's important to note that these nails actually feature vulvas and not vaginas. Your vagina is on the inside of your body!

And if you're going to get vulva nails done, please remember that genitalia doesn't always define gender. Not every person with a vagina identifies as a woman and not every person without a vagina identifies as a man. Check your feminism and keep it intersectional, especially if you're inspired to flaunt these as part of a pussy power movement.

Follow Carina on Twitter.

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